Wednesday 17 March 2010

Initital Designs

As tasked from the First Meeting I was to design initial ideas for a crane that fulfils the brief.

I started this task by simply looking at the different types of cranes available. I then proceeded to initially analyse any problem that could occur if the design was placed straight into the disaster areas. From doing this it was clear that the main problem that would occur is how to secure the base of the crane. In all situations they are designed to work on level ground. This will need to be considered in the design. Also how the load is being lifted will effect how the crane works for example looking at the standard crane a huge counterbalance will be needed.

From the considered designs, ideas can be placed together to make a hybrid of all three

Once the hybrid idea was develop initial design was done.

Benefits of this Design

  • If designed correctly it could have very minimal parts allowing a very quick time of construction/deconstruction. The befit with having less parts means that less people are required to carry over the 100m.
  • Because the design is not actual lifting the load directly up a counter balance will not be needed.
  • The design can be constructed to have supports in the large stress areas minimising any failures that could occur.
  • If a effective base can be designed it removes the need for a relatively flat surface to mount on

Issues with Design

The main issues that was raised in the meeting was "is it classed as a crane" - the design does not pick the item up of the floor, however it still moves the load away from initial point.

Other Issues that was raised during the design and meetings were:-

  • How can the legs be attached
  • Will the beam be small enough to fit into the back of a land rover
  • How hard it is to model to run stress/bending moments analysis
  • Dose it fit the brief - crane?
  • How is the end at load secured to ground
  • How is the load removed of beam
  • Will the beam be strong enough
  • Each part will have to be light for carrying

These issues will be considered through further designing if decided that it is allowed to be continued with.

Further Development

Develop designs for the points noted above and carry out initial model s to test failure points.

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