Monday 5 April 2010

Second Moment of area

I did some calculations to work out which shape of beam would be most useful for the gantry design. I looked at three main shapes: circular tubing, square tubing and I beams. I used the same rough dimensions for each shape.

The results were:

Circular tubing with diameter 300mm and thickness 20mm
10.83x10^6 mm^4
This value would be the same for all directions

Square tubing with diameter 300mm and thickness 20mm
24.56x10^6 mm^4
The square tubing is double times stronger than the circular tubing, however this is only at right angles to the faces.

I beam with 300mm height, 20mm thickness and 260mm high post with 30mm thickness.
201x10^6 mm^4
This is 8 times the strength of the square tubing but this is only in the vertical direction.

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